1. PPT trike Tandem Training – R4,800* (must have Basic PPT Lic and required Hours etc as per SAHPA MOP)
2. PPC trike Tandem Training – R4,800** (must have Basic PPC Lic and required Hours etc as per SAHPA MOP)
3. PG to PPG upgrade – R10,900***(Must have a valid PG lic and own gear)
4. PPG to PG Upgrade POR (Must have a valid PPG Lic and own gear)
5. PPG to PPT/PPC Upgrade – R5,900****(Must have a valid PPG Lic and own gear)
6. Advance PPG training Course (Sport License) R4,800*****
* Trike must be tandem rated with correct rated wing and reserve. Pilot must be current and comply to SAHPA MOP requirements
** Trike must be tandem rated with correct rated wing and reserve. Pilot must be current and comply to SAHPA MOP requirements
*** Pilot must have a valid Basic (min) PG license and PPG rated wing and suitable Motor with Airband radio and helmet
**** PPG to Conversion based on Instructor evaluation. Exclude all site fees and out of town travel. Pilot must also have correct Type Gear.
***** Advance course pilot must have the min flight, hours and correct gear.